#1.5 Vandiyadhevan approached an older man who was holding a stick in his hand on the lake.Sir! Who do these soldiers belong to? Why are these soldiers driving people away? He was asking questions to that old man.
Brother! Don’t you know? There’s a flag flying in the middle of the boat; look at what’s written on it! "
"Looks like a palm tree."he said
"Yes!It’s the palm tree! Didn’t you know that the palm tree flag is the pazhuvettaiyar flag?"
"Is the superhero Vandhiyathevan coming?" Vandiyadhevan asked in surprise.
"That’s supposed to be. Who else will be able to raise the flag of palmtree?!”
vandhiyathevan’s eyes widened in amazement and looked in the direction of the boats. He had heard so much about the pazhuvettaiyar. Who can be unheard of? From Eelam in the south to Kalinga in the north, the names of the elder brothers, the big pazhuvettaiyar and the small pazhuvettaiyar, were popular. Palavoor, on the north bank of the North Kaveri, next to Uraiyur, is their city. From the time of Vijayalaya Chola, the Paluvettaraiyar clan was famous for its heroism. Due to this and their clan heritage and heroism, the Paluvettariyar clan had acquired all the specialties of the royal clan. The clan also has the right to fly the flag alone..
The current pazhuvettaiyar was the eldest of the two, having fought in 24 wars. He now held many of the most prestigious positions in the Chola government. He was the sole ruler and chief of the Chola dynasty.
He also had the power to impose taxes on the needs of politics. He had the right to charge and charge any petty ruler, He had the right to command divisional, chief and richest men with "this year this much amount you must paid”.So now pazhuvettaiyar is the most powerful reaper of the chola dynasty after Sundara Chola Maharaja.
"Vandiyatteva! 'You are a pure warrior!' I entrust this responsibility to you, believing that you are well-informed. I have given two letters to you.you will give one letter to my father who was the king and the other to my younger sister piratti. I heard something about the big big officers who was in Tanjore dynasty. No matter how important it is, you should not tell to anyone that take the letter away from me. Do not fight with anyone along the way. It is not enough if you do not go to the gym.
Do not fight with anyone along the way. It is not enough if you do not go to the fight. You do not want to be fight with others who called fight with them wantedly. I am well aware of your heroism. Therefore, even if you stay away from the painful fight, you will not suffer any loss of honor. You have to be very careful, especially with the Pazhuvettaiyar and my little father Madhuranthakar.
Aditya Karikalar, the crown prince of the Chola dynasty and the powerful leader of the Northern Army, had said this. Vandiyadhevan suppressed the urge to see the pazhuvettaiyar to remember all this. He tapped the horse and tried to go faster. The horse, tired from whatever knocked, went slowly. He decided in his mind, 'Stay tonight at Kadampur Sambuvaraiyar Palace and leave tomorrow morning to earn another good horse.'