2 min readJun 21, 2023

Happy yoga day!!!

Today is the international yoga day..since 2015, the whole world have been celebrating the international yoga day. Yoga helps to maintain our health.. Every year yoga day celebrated with the theme along with the our honourable prime minister.

The PM suggested June 21 as the date for the observance as it is the summer solstice, the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.

The theme for International Yoga Day 2023 is "Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam."

Yoga is an traditional method which combines physical postures, breathing exercises, pranayamas and meditation. Stretch your body and refresh your mind through yoga. Do yoga daily. Today is the starting day of your yoga.

Yoga benefits for kids

-improves immunity

-improves memory power

-gives concentration power

-improves health

-gives flexibility to their body

-connects spirituality and nature.

Yogasans for kids

Daily do suryanamaskar. It’s contains 12 postures. It gives so much benefits.

Cat pose

Boat pose

Eagle pose

Bridge pose

Chair pose

Yogasans for women and it’s benefits

1.cobra pose(bhujangasana)

Palms should be flat with fingers spread wide, directly underneath the shoulders. Engage your core and quadricep muscles while lifting the chest forward and up. Everything below the waistline is pressing into the mat, and your elbows are slightly bent.


-reduces back pain

-improves blood circulation

-reduce stress

-regularity in your abdomen and gives super digestive power

2. Chair pose(Utkatasana)

Stepping your feet hip-width apart, spread through your toes to create a stable base. As you raise your arms to the sky, palms facing each other, bend your knees and sit your buttocks back as though you were sitting into chair. Draw your abdomen in to eliminate any curving in your lower back. Put all your weight into your heels and be sure your knees do not extend past your toes. Hold for five deep breaths in and out through the nose. Rest for one minute. Repeat.


-reduces thighfat

-getting strong support to your knees

-getting good posture.

3.plank pose

Get into Downward-Facing Dog position and press into your palms and bring your chest forward so that your shoulders are directly over your wrists and you are in the top of a push-up position. Press your heels toward the wall behind you and extend the crown of your head forward to form a straight line from the top of your head to your heels. Hold for at least one minute.


-reduces abdomen fat

-strength for back bone

-reduces back pain

-full body strengthen pose.

If you do anyone of the above exercise, get healthier body.

If you do yoga in early morning get calm, peaceful mind for whole day.

You take good decision and get good communication with others peacefully without any tension.

Thank you…